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Marble Surface

Mª Montserrat Romagosa

Psicopedagoga especialista en AACC


696 731 993



C/ Numancia, 48, Barcelona 08029

Preguntes freqüents

A partir de quina edat es pot fer un diagnòstic?

És millor dir-li al meu fill que va a fer un test per saber si és superdotat o és millor que faci el test sense saber res?

Ser d'altes capacitats pot ser un problema?

Què és important que l'inculquem a la nostra filla amb altes capacitats?

Per què a vegades és tan difícil identificar a un nen amb altes capacitats?

Com puc saber que el meu fill és altes capacitats?

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

This is a Job Description. Briefly describe your specific position, including details about important achievements and milestones. Make sure to include relevant skills and highlights, and don't forget to adjust the timeframe in the subtitle.

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